Alexandra Okada, Monday 23 April 2012 |
"Collaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources". Edited by Ale Okada Teresa Connolly Peter J. Scott (Open University, UK) The purpose of this book is to understand how OER and Web 2.0 can be deployed successfully to enrich the collaborative learning experience and ensure a positive outcome in terms of user generated knowledge and development of skills.

This book offers current state of the art in collaborative learning through Open Educational Resources and the Web 2.0. This collection work presents the latest research through case studies, trends and also considers future developments within the field. With solid theoretical foundation and precise guidelines, authors analyse the benefits that these "user-generated content, resources and tools" promise. "Collaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources" was written by 58 authors, who are leading researchers and practitioners in their field, from 14 countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK and USA. The book comprises of some 560 references, 168 key terms and definitions as well as 25 chapters including introductions and is organised in four sections: Section 1 - " Widening participation and OER Communities Section 2 - " Producing, reusing and recreating OER Section 3 - " Sharing User-generated content Section 4 - " Social Learning, Rich Media and Games The chapters cover a wide-range of topics including: - Assessment - Collaborative Learning - Communities of Practice - Continuous Professional Development - Interactive Contents - Knowledge Sharing - New Media Environments - OER in Higher Education - Personal Learning Environments - Peer-support - Social Media - Social Networking - Social Learning - Virtual Laboratories - Web 2.0 This project began in January 2010 and the process of writing, reviewing as well as publishing this book occupied the editors and authors for almost two years. Find out more at the book's website.
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